Our "LT"

Our "LT"

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

October is Down Syndrome awareness month: It happened 14 years ago. I found out I was pregnant with our very first child. It was a time of excitement and dreams and what our future would hold. Just a few weeks into my pregnancy I began to get sick. I went in and had a routine exam that showed something was wrong. Testing showed our little princess would have Down Syndrome. We were shocked and saddened. Our feelings quickly changed to love and pure joy the moment she was placed in my arms. Today, Lauren Taylor, is a very typical 13 year old. She can read, write, sing, dance and even did a monologue in her theatre class. She goes to her room and "jams" and loves Big Time Rush and Beiber. Lauren has brought me to a place I never imagined. I know I have the strength to do anything and I am loved unconditionally. I am shocked that all these years have passed and there are still people who are ignorant to the contributions our beautiful children can make. Please educate yourself and your children. Lauren is a wonderful child of God who only wants the same things every 13 year old does. I am so abundantly blessed that I was chosen to be her mother. We still have issues with her and her health but I would not give one moment away that I have shared with her. Thank you for sharing this moment with me. This is my favorite picture of her.

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