Our "LT"

Our "LT"

Thursday, March 21, 2013


Today I celebrate with millions of people around the world some of the most amazing people born.
It all started one day when I found out I was pregnant with our first child. The year was 1998 and Chris had returned from his deployment. We had told our friends Linda and Lee Anna that we were expecting at a party we were attending at Linda's house. A few days later I started getting sick. I was watched close and during an ultrasound Chris found a spot on the baby.
We went in for an Amnio and the results came back "your child will have Down Syndrome"
As a mother I was devastated. Could I raise a child with special needs? Could I handle the looks in pubic? Could I really do this? I lay on the floor crying when Chris walked in and said "Can you please get up? Thats our baby in there and you are crying so she must feel it. We got this!" I knew from that moment on we would make it.

Lauren was born January 8th 1999 in California. She came out ready for the world. She had to stay 21 days in the NICU and at 4 months old we almost lost her when she had open heart surgery. She made it home in 12 days and has been taking on the world with sass, strength and love since then.

I am so very blessed and honored that I get to be her mom while she walks on this Earth. It is my belief that she is perfect just as she is and one day we will run the streets of Heaven together.
Lauren loves to sing..play piano..watch You Tube and movies..she can read and write..she loves One Direction..and more. She has so much to offer.

She has forever changed me and how I see the world.

Please join me in celebrating with the world our gifts from God.
Lauren, I love you kiddo. You are my best buggy in the whole wide world. Oh Yea!

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful post and what a beautiful family! This warmed my heart!
